1/23/15 - How would you feel if the Social Security Administration and the world's top credit reporting companies proclaim you dead? Well, about 1,000 people per month are mistakenly declared dead by such organizations, leading to a great amount of stress and wasted time in order to reverse such decisions. In his L.A. Times article, David Lazarus describes the tale of George Sledge, a 58-year-old man who has been forced to file a lawsuit in an attempt to force the credit reporting companies to bring him back to life.
While many of the mistakenly listed individuals on Social Security Administration's “Death Master File” are there due to typographical mistakes and other such human errors, a sizable number could be avoided by simple fact-checking on the part of the credit reporting companies. Besides the amount of time you might spend convincing and arguing that you're is still alive, there are much worse consequences.
One such consequence is in regards to your credit score. When anyone is marked as dead, their credit score is automatically set to zero. While this helps to prevent identity theft, it also makes it impossible for a someone like Sledge to get a loan or sign up for a credit card, or even, in some cases, get a job. Furthermore, credit reporting companies have databases full of information that they sell or share with other companies. When someone has been declared dead in one database, it is almost as if they have been simultaneously declared dead in all other databases.
So, even if a person like Sledge were able to get a single company to take him off of the “Death Master File,” all of the other companies would still have him marked as dead. To go through the same rigorous process with every possible company would be straining, if not completely impossible. So, what could an individual in Sledge's position do?
Lazarus suggests that everyone should keep a close eye on their credit information. There are ways to report incorrect information, and if such information is found, you should take care of it sooner rather than later. Most of all, though, Lazarus states that these errors would happen much less often if companies would do their due diligence. A simple phone call might be enough to prevent a living person from being mistakenly marked as deceased, and that could make all the difference.
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