Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Decreased Chinese Demand Harmful to American Exporters

3/6/15 - Labor strikes at ports on the West Coast and the current strength of the American dollar are both contributing greatly to exporters and other businesses that rely on exports. However, Don Lee claims in his Los Angeles Time article that China's slowing economy is causing even more damage to the American market. The strong dollar is not a good thing for most exporters because it makes their products more expensive overseas, in their target market.

While the U.S. economy as a whole seems to be pretty steady, many worry about the effects of significant Chinese withdrawal from American imports. Last year, American exports to China grew only 1.6% while American imports from China grew 5.7%. This trade deficit is bad news for scrap-metal exporters in California, Midwestern manufacturers, and cotton farmers in the Mississippi Delta.

As China's economic growth slows, amid increasing production around the world, China is forced to reduce foreign imports and focus instead on domestic businesses. Even American companies with locations in China are finding it difficult to compete with private Chinese contractors. Fortunately for America, the decrease in trade with China is being somewhat balanced out by increased exports to other countries, including Mexico and Canada. Trade, which has been involved in about one-third of America's economy in recent years, has started to become less-viable as an economic practice.

China is switching from a majorly goods-based economy to more service-based, and according to some of Lee's sources, this may not be a bad thing. Yes, it will have negative effects on businesses and companies reliant on imports and exports, but as a whole, the American economy does better off with services, like finance, accounting, and entertainment. Such service-based businesses are affected to a much lesser extent by the strength of the dollar, which is beneficial for everyone involved.

Besides the slowdown of China's economy, the Chinese president has been cracking down on corruption, forcing government officials to cut back on gifts and parties. Because of this, exporters of such products as fine wines and premium fruits have lost a sizable number of their usual customers. A combination of the new strength of the dollar and an increase in productivity by many countries has driven the prices of commodities down, which could hurt goods-based economies.

According to Lee, the export of agricultural products by California fell 9% last year, due greatly to China's changing economy. Farm shipments on their own plunged by 30%, and other products like grapes and nuts felt dramatic drops in price. The economy as a whole seems to be holding up, but it looks like it is just a matter of time before we are forced to make changes to our economy, or face devastating consequences.

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