9/19/14 - Prior to the Great Recession, the question of buying versus renting was never really an issue at all. If you could get a mortgage, then buying was the best way to go. Even after the housing market crash, there was still plenty of interest in buying rather than renting. If people had some money to do it, then buying was generally their course of action. However, with real estate prices, especially in Southern California, on the rise, and very few “bargain homes” available, potential buyers are being much more careful in deciding whether they really want to enter the market. In a Los Angeles Times article, Tim Logan discusses the potential positive and negative aspects of either buying or renting.
The decision is a hard one for many. Yes, the housing prices have gone up dramatically, but the interest rates on mortgages are lower than they have been in years. Renting makes it easier to pick up and leave, but owning a home has a huge payoff in the long term. According to Logan, a survey of renters showed that most do plan to buy, but are unsure as to how soon. Furthermore, some statistics presented by Logan show that, over the span of seven years, buying can cost you over 20% more money than renting.
The prices of homes are not the only thing deterring potential buyers. It's all about location, location, location. In some areas in Southern California (Lancaster, San Bernardino, etc.), foreclosures make the monthly mortgage payments lower than average rent payments. In other areas (San Marino, Newport Beach, etc.), the return of seven-figure price tags make rent much more affordable than mortgage. Besides the costs of homes and apartments in certain areas, differences in construction choices can limit a home-hunter's options. For example, some areas are busy building new apartment buildings, while others are designing condos and houses. If there are very few houses available in your area, then buying might not be an option. According to Logan's sources, new construction has been mostly for rental properties, likely due to developers' fears of another housing crash.
Apparently, members of the younger generation are statistically more likely to want to rent, not yet willing to “tie themselves down” to something like home ownership. However, even “prime” first-time buyers (married, early 30s, income of at least $95,000) have lately become hesitant toward buying property. Logan's sources claim that this hesitation is due to the housing crash. These first-time buyers witnessed the colossal blow that the recession made on their parents' financial situation, and are leery as to how good of an investment home ownership really is.
As Logan states, this hesitation can be a good thing, preventing buyers from jumping into the realm of home-ownership without the necessary means to make their monthly payments. By making sure that they know what they are getting into, this new, more realistic, outlook of buyers will hopefully prevent another crash in the near future.
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